Italian Degrees
This degree provides solid foundation in the study of Italian for those wishing to continue their education in languages. Students will be able to demonstrate effective skills in the four major areas of language study (reading, writing, speaking, 听力理解), 展示对全球社会的了解, and the role of Italy and of the Italian language and culture in the contemporary world. Click the tabs below to find out more about the Italian AA degree.
This degree is an alternative to the individual language majors of Italian, French, German, and Spanish, and is especially suitable for those students with prior instruction in a foreign language. The student must complete Semester 4 or higher in a primary language (French, German, Italian, or Spanish), demonstrating effective skills in the four major areas of language study (reading, writing, speaking, 那种语言的听力理解, 以及文化能力. The student must also complete two sequential courses in a secondary language (German, Italian, Spanish, or French), demonstrating a minimum of advanced elementary language and cultural knowledge in that language.
To enhance your study of world languages and cultures, 看看世界语言电影论坛的活动:
Every semester the Department of 世界语言和文化 screens movies as part of that semester's curriculum for our enrolled students. Please contact your instructor for more information.
First Steps
想在瓦利开始学习意大利语吗? Take these easy steps to enroll as a Valley College student:
If you’re already a Valley Student and want to study Italian, take these easy steps:
1. 如果你之前学过意大利语, make an appointment to take the Italian 先决条件的挑战.
2. 注册你的课程! If you’re a complete beginner, enroll in Italian 1. That’s it!
如果你是一个高中生, 我想在山谷学院学习意大利语, 采取这些简单的步骤来注册:
1. You will need to enroll as BOTH a “(i) New Student” AND a “(ii) High School Student (9-12) or a “Elementary/Middle School Student (K-8). 你可以在这里找到报名信息:
LAVC Admissions K-12
2. If you’ve taken Italian before, you’ll need to take the Italian 先决条件的挑战.
3. 注册你的课程! If you’re a complete beginner, enroll in Italian 1. That’s it!
You’ll need to be a currently enrolled Valley College student to take our language classes. To sign up for classes, you’ll need to apply and enroll LAVC Admissions
at Valley College. 在你完成注册后,你 然后可以报你的语言班吗!
If you’d like to take Italian at Valley and you have previous experience with the language, you can enroll in a higher-level course by first taking the Italian 先决条件的挑战. This process will make sure that you’re enrolled in the appropriate level to begin your language study at Valley.
You’ll have to take the 先决条件的挑战 if you already have some experience with Italian, for example, you’ve previously studied it or you are a native or heritage Italian speaker.
如果你没有意大利语的经验, you don’t have to take the 先决条件的挑战, 你可以报读意大利语1.
我们的一位全职教员. Please email the following instructors to make an appointment for the 先决条件的挑战 in your language:
Italian: Dr. Vic Fusilero: @email
1. The 先决条件的挑战 will assess your speaking, listening, reading, and writing proficiency in the language and usually takes at least 30 minutes.
2. There are different levels of the 先决条件的挑战, depending on the level that you are planning to enroll in. For example, 如果你想参加四级课程, you will be taking the 先决条件的挑战 to enroll in Level 4 of your chosen language. 如果你不确定你在哪个级别, the faculty member will gladly advise you of your current approximately level and administer the appropriate level 先决条件的挑战.
3. The 先决条件的挑战 cannot be taken to receive credit for a course.
Faculty Profiles
- Pronouns: he/him
- Degrees: B.A. Spanish, Assumption College; M.A. 意大利语,加州大学洛杉矶分校
- 教授:初级意大利语1, 初级意大利语II, 中级意大利语一级, 定向学习:意大利语
- Roles: Member, LAVC Work Environment Committee; Helps coordinate the Italian Division
- Fun Facts: I have been teaching Italian for the past 45 years. I began my teaching career at UCLA as a Teaching Assistant. After receiving my M.A., I went to teach Italian at Santa Monica College as an adjunct professor and I remained there until Spring 2020. 我于1988年开始在LAVC教书. 我于2017年从LAVC的全职教师岗位上退休. 2018年春天,我以兼职教授的身份回来了. My favorite pasttime is gardening and visiting my hometown in the region of Abruzzi, Italy.
- Pronouns: she/her
- Degrees: B.A. Italian, University of California, Santa Barbara; M.A. 意大利语,加州大学洛杉矶分校
- 教授:初级意大利语1, 初级意大利语II
- Fun Facts: I spent a year studying abroad at the University of Bologna, Italy. I am a soccer loving, art, film, and food appreciating Professoressa di Italiano! My daughter was born in Rome, and we have extended family in Sardegna.